032 - Bayesian Thinking, Cadavers, and Medical Unions - HealthHippieMD Week In Review

House Staff Local 131

I read an article about physicians unionizing. Although there has been talk about this for quite some time, I did not realize it had already happened in several locations: Doctor Unions Are Good for Your Health

Avatar Now

What do you get when you combine the immersive collaborative experience of an escape room with a video game? You get a Gamebox. Immersive Video Games Are Coming to a Theater Near You

The Plant Whisperer

Are plants sentient? I'm still not convinced, but this scientist theorizes they might be. What Plants Are Saying About Us - Nautilus

Spring Ahead

I read an article from a sleep scientist about the downsides of Daylight Savings time. The report convinces us that we should be on a permanent Standard Daylight schedule, not a permanent Daylight Savings schedule, as is currently suggested in a Congressional Bill.Springing forward into daylight saving time is a step back for health – a neurologist explains the medical evidence and why this shift is worse than the fall time change

Swiss Miss

The iconic Matterhorn of the Swiss Alps will no longer be seen on the wrappers of Toblerone chocolate bars after production moves from Switzerland to Slovakia. Where are Toblerone chocolate bars made?

Taking Control of What you Read on the Internet

Here is an article on the 25-year-old technology, RSS feeds: It's time to take back control of what we read online. I use RSS feeds in various ways. For my daily news, I rely on Feed Bin and Unread. I previously wrote about the ways I use RSS in scholarly activities: Unlock the Power of RSS feeds with DEVONthink — Workflows in Personal and Professional Productivity

This is your Brain on Art

"Art is not a luxury for our downtime, but an important contributor to physical and mental well-being..." I couldn't agree more, especially regarding music. How art, music, and dance affect your brain and body. (gift article)

Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are in various foods, from bread and cereal to tortillas and greek yogurt. Here is an article on the dark side of sugar substitutes: How sugar substitutes sneak into foods and affect your health (gift article)

Healthy, Redefined

The FDA is cracking down on commercial foods that may be labeled 'healthy.' The food companies are resisting: FDA is redefining 'healthy,' and the food industry is pushing back (gift article)

Personality Testing in the Workplace

Many years ago, I went down the rabbit hole, taking any personality test I could get. Although many personality tests (i.e., MBTI) have not been validated, they are increasingly used to make workplace decisions. Personality testing is now a $2 billion industry. The $2 Billion Question of Who You Are at Work (gift article)

The Argument for Moving Closer to Your Friends

"Many people are prepared to move for a new job, to be with a romantic partner, or even just for an adventure. Moving to be closer to buddies should be no different. Friends are not incidental to a good life; they're essential to one. So why not shorten the distance between you and them?" Live Closer to Your Friends

Health Podcasts Worth Listening To

....at least according to the NY Times. I am going to check out a few of these: Here Are 12 Health Podcasts Worth Listening To (gift article)

What Fuels Teen Anxiety?

Reformers have argued for fewer hours in a workweek. Yet, simultaneously, demands on our children at school have increased. Many believe the time needed to become attractive college applicants at the root of teen anxiety: "Richer and more complex economies require more rigorous and intense education, putting more pressure on kids to be high-achieving perfectionists." We're Missing a Key Driver of Teen Anxiety

Does your Microbiome Influence Interest in Exercise? (pre-clinical)

An interesting article in WaPo about how, in mice, the microbiome influences interest in exercise: How your microbiome may influence your motivation to exercise - The Washington Post (gift article)

Cannabis and Anesthesia

An article in the Economist discusses how cannabis influences the amount of drugs needed for adequate anesthesia. Cannabis and anesthesia do not mix

A Short History of Medical Cadavers

Medical students traditionally dissect cadavers while learning anatomy. Ever wonder where the bodies come from? From grave robbing to giving your own body to science – a short history of where medical schools get cadavers "Where many Americans once regarded medical students as "butchers" for exploiting their beloved dead, contemporary students honor what some of these future doctors call their "first patients" for the precious gift they have been given."

Bayes' Rule

After seeing all the evidence, how strongly should you believe something? That question is at the heart of Bayesian thinking, named after the Reverend Thomas Bayes. Here is an interesting video explaining Bayes Rule: Harvard professor explains Bayes' rule and an interesting article on how to use Bayesian Thinking to influence our relationships: Bayes and Deadweight: Using Statistics to Eject the Deadweight From Your Life.