Oura Ring

Sleep, Movement, and Mind-Body practices are all essential pillars of wellness.

I'm interested in the Quantified Self Movement. I'm using a device that gives me daily insight into the efficiency of my sleep, meditation, and exercise. The tool, called the Oura Ring, has an array of sensors that measure heart rate, body temperature, movement, and more.

I've been using Oura for weeks and am a huge fan. Each morning, I can see how well I slept. Using Oura, I can make small tweaks to my night-time routine and see objectively how those changes impacted my sleep.

Oura also gives me a "Readiness Score" that looks at biometrics such as heart rate variability, sleep, and resting heart rate.

I wear the ring for 24 hours a day. It is waterproof and scratchproof (although many users take their ring off when lifting weights to prevent scratching). I have gone as long as five days without a charge.

Overall, I've been delighted with my Oura Ring. The insight I gain is well worth the $299 price tag.
