ZigZag Project - ZigZag Podcast

This year has been full of changes for me. One of the things that ramped up into overdrive was fueling my curiosity. As a result, I increased my consumption of books, podcasts, and audiobooks. During these explorations, I stumbled upon the ZigZag Project. The ZigZag Project is the sixth season of the ZigZag Podcast, hosted by Manoush Zomorodi, the host of TED's Radio Hour. The project's purpose is to "align ambitions with systemic change that's good for our fellow human beings."

Through the FREE six-week program, Manoush leads you through a series of exercises meant to align what's most important to you with your career trajectory.

  • Day 1 is an overview of the project.
  • Day 2 has you imagine the life you would like to lead.
  • Day 3 has you jot down every job opportunity you can think of.
  • Day 4 has you define the core values you could NEVER do without, then filter your potential job list through the lens of your values and future vision.
  • Day 5 helps you zero in on the top ideas and start thinking about how to make the vision a reality.
  • Day 6 helps you think through small incremental steps that lead you closer to achieving your goals.

I found the result of the exercises incredibly insightful. Since completing the project, I've recommended the podcast to at least a dozen other people. All found the self-reflection extremely helpful. I suspect, at some point, this will become a paid course (I would have gladly plunked down cash for the insight it offered). Please do yourself a favor and complete the ZigZag Project while it's free.