033 - Coulrophobia, Lucid Dreaming, and Cowless Dairy - HealthHippieMD Week In Review

The Calorie Hunter

Science had an interesting article on Duke scientist Herman Pontzer, whose work has challenged some of the most fundamental beliefs on weight management. "Exercise prevents you from getting sick, but diet is your best tool for weight management." This scientist busts myths about how humans burn calories—and why

SAD Myth

These scientists think Seasonal Affective Disorder is not what we thought it was. The Surprising Truth About Seasonal Depression "The seasons do affect our lives, although a growing body of research shows that major psychological effects such as depression and cognitive slowdown are likely not what most of us are experiencing during winter."

Step-by-Step Guide to Lucid Dreaming

I've not yet had a lucid dream. Using this guide, I am going to try: How to Lucid Dream (Even if You Think You Can't)

Aggressive End-of-Life Care

An article in the NY Times about how care escalates for many (most?) patients, frequently beyond what they desire: Aggressive Medical Care Remains Common at Life's End (gift article)

Health Worker's Mental Health

Healthcare workers suffer from sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and stress. All these factors contribute to poor mental health. "In our study, about half of the healthcare workers we surveyed reported that their work interfered with their family life, while about 30% experienced family life interfering with work. Importantly, these conflicts were linked to poor mental health, such as depression." Health care workers are frazzled – and poor sleep may turn stress into poor mental health See also a blog post I wrote about Mindfulness and Medicine

Introverts and Friendship

I'm an extreme introvert. I found this article insightful and interesting: How to Make Friends as an Introvert(gift article)

AI and Cancer

The article, An AI Told Me I Had Cancer, bothered me. Although I share the author's frustration with accessing one's medical information, I found the author's opinions pretty naive (about AI, medicine, research, and the accuracy of data models). I can think of few better uses of AI than as a tool to augment a physician's terminal disease diagnosis. The author ignores the many types of AI--the article lumps them all together (I suspect the piece was meant to capitalize on the recent popularity of Chat GPT), and the author's premise of requiring consent to have a UI aid in their diagnosis seems ludicrous. I could go on.....

American vs. European Medical Training

As we pass through another Match Week, where medical students find out where they'll do their residency training, Mother Jones published an interesting article, Bone Tired. Underpaid. Performing Surgery. What Could Go Wrong? about differences between American and European medical training.

Mediterranean Diet Associated with Lower Risk of Dementia

A new study revealed that eating a Mediterranean-type diet – rich in seafood, fruit, and nuts – may help significantly lower dementia risk later in life. Mediterranean Diet Associated With Decreased Risk of Dementia

Cowless Dairy

Are you ready for dairy made from yeast? It's already here: Milk, cheese, and ice cream without the cow have entered the marketplace.


Afraid of clowns? You're not alone. The Psychological Reason You're Afraid of Clowns attempts to explain the phenomenon.

"Open"- AI

The arms race for artificial intelligence continues. Companies are throwing all caution to the wind in the pursuit of massive profits. "_Big tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and Meta are racing to create new AI technologies as fast as possible, often sidestepping or shrugging off ethical concerns. _"OpenAI's GPT-4 Is Closed Source and Shrouded in Secrecy

Lunchables Served in School Cafeterias

I find this hard to believe, but Kraft has developed a version of its Lunchables product that meets Federal school lunch specifications. Kraft hopes the product will be adopted by underfunded schools that can't afford (or find) the staff to cook fresh meals. "Offering branded packaged food to children through the National School Lunch Program essentially allows food companies to market directly to children with the added credibility that comes with associating their product with schools..." Lunchables in school cafeterias have child nutrition experts concerned

How to Fix a Broken Sleep Cycle

Wired has some good advice to improve your sleep habits: How to Fix a Broken Sleep Schedule


Narcissism exists on a spectrum. We all have some of this trait, but about 8% of the population is pathological. A little bit of narcissism is normal and healthy – here's how to tell when it becomes pathological

Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memory

Music can involuntarily bring back memories of events, people, and places from our past. This article explains why: Why Does Music Bring Back Memories?

Faux Self-Care

"If you think of self-care as a goal, it becomes another task to check off the list. But when you consider it as values and decisions that inform all of your different roles and activities, it can deeply impact the quality of your life." Although written with women in mind, How Women Can Avoid 'Faux Self-Care' and Beat Burnout (gift article) has useful information for everyone.