036 - Xenopharmacology, Serious Play, and the Happiest Country on Earth - HealthHippieMD Week In Review

Phages and Multi-Resistant Bacteria

What will we use when traditional antibiotics are no longer effective? Many believe we will use phages: In the War on Bacteria, It's Time to Call in the Phages

Prebiotics > Probiotics

Probiotics are not the panacea the industry would lead you to believe: Probiotic supplements claim to boost gut health, but may do opposite (gift article). See also Are Probiotics Making You Fat? probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented food — HealthHippieMD

Telehealth Facility Fees. Really?

I read an interesting story about facility fees. It doesn't seem right patients are charged a facility fee, even if they don't visit the facility. Making a telehealth appointment? You might still pay a facility fee. (gift article)

Hiccups and Cancer

Here is an article with everything you'd like to know about hiccups and a few things you might not: Hiccups have a curious connection to cancer

The Neuroscience of Spiritual Experiences

What is the science behind spiritual experiences, and how do they work from a neuroscientific standpoint? I learned quite a bit from the video: The neuroscience of spiritual experiences +More on mysticism and spirituality: The psychedelic origins of ancient mystical rites

Dad Jokes

Ever wonder why dads are singled out for their groan-worthy humor? This article is for you: What Makes a 'Dad Joke'?

Humor's Impact on Happiness

Here are some valuable hints on humor and happiness from the "How to Build a Life" Series: You Can Tell Bad Jokes and Have a Great Sense of Humor

You Could Care Less

"Humans, by nature, are social beings who crave connection, intimacy, and relationships. Caring about what others think of us is part of that desire to make connections and feel accepted." But what if you put too much weight on what others think? How to Not Care What People Think: 15 Expert Tips. See also: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth) - Wait But Why


The New York Times tackles tofu. Is it healthy or not? Is Tofu Good for You?

How Psychedelics Influence Depression

Psychedelic psychotherapy is all the rage now. What is the science behind psychedelics' potentially beneficial effects on mental health? How psychedelic drugs may help with depression | National Institutes of Health (NIH)


I'm fascinated by this topic, especially for pharmaceutical-dependent areas of medicine such as anesthesiology. As always, Scientific American publishes scientific ideas on the cutting edge. Further kudos to SI for featuring a neighbor (Matt Redinbo) in their article: How Gut Microbes Shape Our Response to Drugs

Animals and Childhood Allergies

An article in the Economist summarized a recent study published in PLOS One. "Children in households with dogs, the researchers found, had lower rates than average of allergies to eggs, milk, and nuts. Those cohabiting with cats seemed more tolerant of eggs, wheat, and soybeans. However, children whose parents kept "turtles" (terrapins, in particular, are popular pets in Japan) appeared unaffected. And, curiously, those exposed to hamsters appeared more likely than average to be allergic to nuts." More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies

FDA's Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database

"To help manufacturers, retailers, and consumers of dietary supplements stay informed about recent developments and locate information on FDA's website quickly, we have put together an "ingredient directory" with links to FDA's actions and communications concerning particular dietary ingredients and other ingredients used in products marketed as dietary supplements." Dietary Supplement Ingredient Directory

Tripping in the Bronze Age

"A new study based on strands of hair found in a Spanish burial cave reveals that humans living about 3,000 years ago used hallucinogens, likely derived from local plants, as part of their rituals." Tripping in the Bronze Age

On the Topic of Earworms

Everything you'd like to know about the musical phenomenon of Earworms: Song Stuck in Your Head? What Earworms Reveal About Health

Pet Head-Tilts

Dogs have many endearing behaviors. One of my favorites is the head-tilt: Why do dogs tilt their heads? It may signal intelligence.

Finland: The Happiest Country on Earth?

Finland once again led the list of the world's happiest countries. The why is far from cut and dry: "It turns out even the happiest people in the world aren't that happy. But they are something more like the content." Why Is Finland the Happiest Country on Earth? The Answer Is Complicated.

Getting to the Bottom of Fatigue

Fatigue is an important sign. Here is what to pay attention to Fatigue can have many causes. There are ways to ease it. (gift article)

Spring Cleaning (Your Brain)

Here are some tips from WaPo on using the Spring to revamp your life: How to spring clean your brain (gift article)

Play, Video Games, and Learning

Much of my research over my last years at Duke had to do with the use of video games in education and patient care. Here is a look at state of the art in the field: To Supercharge Learning, Look to Play [^1] See also Education is Broken and my other lectures at Presentations on my ePortfolio.

[^1]: I own shares of Akili Interactive whose EndeavorRx is mentioned in the article.